Single Membership: $960
(61 years old or under)
Includes only the single applicant. If married, a Single may not bring a spouse, or anyone else who lives with them permanently, to the club as a visitor. Such people could be accommodated under a Family or Couple Membership.
Single Guestship: $960
(61 years old or under)
Includes only the single applicant. If married, a Single may not bring a spouse, or anyone else who lives with them permanently, to the club as a visitor. Such people could be accommodated under a Family or Couple Guestship.
Those who reside outside of Tiana Shores, may apply for a Guestship. Guests are not eligible to vote or sit on the TSA Board of Directors.
There is a one-time application fee of $100.00 for new Guestships.
Those who reside outside of Tiana Shores, may apply for a Guestship. Guests are not eligible to vote or sit on the TSA Board of Directors.
There is a one-time application fee of $100.00 for new Guestships.